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 Our Misson 

The W.D. Packard Foundation sustains the legacy of W.D. Packard by providing funds to support projects created under his vision.  This includes, but is not limited to, improvements at Packard Music Hall and in Packard Park.  Efforts also include volunteer recruitment, area clean-up, and creating community partnerships to leverage capacity for project growth and development.


A Legacy Reborn: The Rebirth of the W.D. Packard Music Hall


Learn about upcoming projects and previous projects the WD. Packard Foundation has done



get ivolved

The W.D. Packard Foundation preserves the legacy of W.D. Packard through improvements primarily at Packard Park and Packard Music Hall.  We run on an all-volunteer board who willingly give their time for clean-ups, meetings, and collaborative efforts to make progress happen.


The W.D. Packard Foundation runs on donations from community members like you!  Please consider a gift toward restoration, accessibility, and beautification projects at Packard Park and Packard Music Hall!

To send donation by mail, please click link below to download our donation form. 

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